Skype® is a popular utility for IP telephony. Skype Integration add-on integrates Skype with standard Dynamics AX (Axapta) in the same way, like phone integration is made in Dynamics AX (Axapta) CRM Telemarketing.
The functionality includes 2 main parts:
Therefore, Skype-integration functionality provides an alternative way to make phone calls from Dynamics AX (Axapta), while standard Dynamics AX (Axapta) can do it (e.g. CRM Telemarketing) using usual modem and phone line only.
Skype software is to be installed as client.
SkypeOut account is to be registered in order to make outbound calls to normal phones using Skype.
Skype provides 2 ways of communication:
“Skype to Phone” using SkypeOut account. You must pay for such calls, but the cost is much lower than normal international phone calls (see
A new string field “Skype account” is implemented in relevant forms. At the moment, it is implemented in e.g. “CRM Contact Persons” table/forms, and located in the “Contact info” field group. When user presses lookup-button (an icon with image of phone), Dynamics AX (Axapta) makes a call to this Skype account using Skype software, installed on the client’s machine.
Skype to phone calls (using SkypeOut)
In this case, we already have usual phone number in standard ‘Phone’ field, and the only question is to decide, if we would like to call using standard Dynamics AX (Axapta) telemarketing functionality, or should we start the call via Skype? This is specified by a new parameter “CRM / Setup / CRM Parameters / [tab] Telemarketing / [field group] Skype integration/ [field] Outbound phone call”, which can have the following 3 values: Use telephone / Use Skype / Ask user.
In the first 2 cases appropriate interface is used without additional questions. In the third case, every time before placing a call, the user will see a dialog window, where he can specify if he would like to use Skype, or use standard way to place a call.
Figure 1: CRM Parameters
When user clicks a button to place a call using SkypeOut, the following steps are performed:
Figure 2: Call using SkypeOut
Dynamics AX (Axapta) form displays the following information:
The form allows to:
When user receives inbound call, the following steps are performed:
Skype Integration is a useful add-on to reduce the costs of international calls for sales department of the company (if SkypeOut account is utilized), and add one more communication tool to Dynamics AX (Axapta) Telemarketing.