CS&IE Data Consulting is active to study the phenomena related to the transmission, distribution, and utilization of electrical energy and the measurement of associated quantities. Our research is carried out to analyze the behavior of electrical components and apparatus, improve their performance, and assure their reliability and safety in all operating conditions. Development and application of mathematical abstractions of electromagnetic field problems in two- and three-dimensional domains is an essential part of our electromagnetic field research.
This activity aims at developing field formulations to solve Maxwell’s partial differential equations in two-and three-dimensional problems. The study of field problems has been undertaken using various numerical methods and hybrid techniques, such as Finite Elements Methods (FEM) and Boundary Elements Methods (BEM).
While developing and applying the numerical methods to take into account highly complex behavior of non-linear magnetic materials, special attention has been paid to the development of numerical models to represent physical behavior of soft magnetic materials and their implementation within the electromagnetic field computation. Numerical aspects linked to the utilization of techniques for handling the non-linearity in electromagnetic field problems have been investigated.
Field analysis models have been applied to study complex engineering problems actual at design of electrical motors and their electromagnetic components. The cases of Prediction of Force-Displacement and Positional Error Characteristics and Analysis of Linear Stepping Motor Performance have been solved. Numerical models have been applied to the study of electrical components aiming to improve their performance and reduce their production costs.
Commercial version of the DANF package – Dynamic Analysis of Non-Linear Fields – has been developed for generalized dynamic computations of non-linear electromagnetic and thermal fields using Finite Elements Method, as well as their applications to design various electromagnetic devices and/or their components.